Confessions of a FlyBaby

My adventures in organizing my life with the FlyLady (

Friday, May 26, 2006

Day 2 and still shining

Is it possible to be seeing a difference already? There really is something about shining that kitchen sink that just gets you jumpstarted.

I went to bed last night not only with my sink shining, but with my office looking a little neater (my office is the spot of my WORST offenses), my kitchen counters completely cleared off and wiped down, and my control journal started.

Here I sit now, completely dressed with shoes laced up (a big step for me as I NEVER wear shoes in the house), hair and makeup done, bathroom swished and swiped, purse cleaned out, car cleaned out, and bed sheets washed, dried, and put back on. AND I organized under the sink in the middle level bathroom, showed my younger son how to shine the sink in his bathroom before going to school, organized the shelves in the laundry room, and am almost finished with the laundry. Whew!

Okay, I'm pooped and it's still early afternoon. I'm having a hard time remembering the "baby step" thing. I want the whole house to look like my kitchen -- NOW.

A few things I've figured out about myself over the years:

1. I'm a terrible procrastinator, and that has led to my clutter. "I'll put this away when I find the perfect spot for it," or "I'll clean that xxx as soon as I have time." I'm finding that few things take as much time as I think they will. Cleaning the bathroom while I'm in there anyway just makes so much sense, and it doesn't take that much time at all. Working in 15 minute increments shows you just how much you really can get done.

2. Much of my clutter is hidden. I can clean my house and it looks great, but please don't open any of my drawers, cabinets, or especially the closets. I have a lot of decluttering to do, and I really am going to try to take it slow and do it right. I'm trying to keep in mind that the FlyLady is teaching me lifestyle changes, not just quick fixes.

3. I have let myself get really out of shape. I work in front of the computer much of the time, and I have seriously neglected my poor body. My weight has crept up, and my energy level has gone downhill. Maybe it's time to crank up the treadmill that has been collecting dust in the corner.

Oh, and I signed up with Saving Dinner today. I'm getting the Body Clutter menus. I'm loving the grocery list -- all the planning is done, all I need to do is implement it! I can cook, but like many people, I hate the planning part of it.

Hubby just came home for lunch, so I have to "fly" upstairs and make sure he doesn't mess up the counters! I mean . . . I have to go make sure he has a nutritious lunch. :>


Blogger Unknown said...

Congrates on Finally Loving your self enough to start to FLY. *\0/*.

The most important things for you to rember is that there is no "Wagon" to fall off of, and you can do anything for 15 min.

Please follow the 31 days of baby steps so that you don't burn out. We think we have to do it P@#$%#%^ (the dreaded P word) Guess what? You have to make it your own.

Big hugs to you from a Fellow FLYer

Paula Lynn
FLYing in Michigan

2:06 PM  

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