Loving the Routines!
We took the boys to a baseball game today.
Here's how it would have happened "BFL" (Before FlyLady):
1. Get out of bed
2. Shower, dress, have coffee
3. Leave beds unmade, leave dishes in sink, head out to the game
4. Return home tired - fuss about the mess
Here's how we did it today:
1. Get out of bed & make coffee
2. Shower, dress, swish & swipe, remind boys to do the same
3. Make bed
4. Unload the dishwasher
5. Enjoy a cup of coffee
6. Put dirty dishes in the dishwasher, shine the sink
7. Return home tired, find a clean foyer and kitchen, SMILE!
What a difference those little changes are making! We're trying hard to just do things as we come to them instead of waiting for the "perfect" time or waiting until "cleaning day" arrives.
Yesterday afternoon I spent a few minutes in my closet, pulling out clothes I no longer wear. I mean, if I get myself back down to a size 8, I'll celebrate by buying new clothes! I put them in a pile in the bedroom. In the BFL days, they would have sat there waiting for me to decide what to do with them, and some would have ended up back in the closet. But the new Lisa immediately went to the computer and posted them on Freecycle, and they are due to be picked up tomorrow. Woohoo!
Okay, I admit we have a LONG way to go to declutter and organize, but I feel like we're on the right track.
Time to go upstairs and do my bedtime routine, review tomorrow's Sunday School lesson and then spend some "Lisa time" KNITTING!!
Fly high!
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